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Upload File to Payment


This endpoint allows to upload and attach invoice or other supporting documents to the payment.

Data Requirements

Provide the following data requirements when sending a POST request to the Upload File Payment. The content type of this request must be multipart/form-data.

The body of this request should contain the following parameter:

Parameter Required? Description Type
document Yes File containing invoice or other supporting document for payment. Accepted types are pdf, png and jpeg. File

The url of this request should contain the following query parameters:

Parameter Required? Description Type
type Yes Type of the document that is being uploaded. Possible values are INVOICE for invoice and SUPP_DOCUMENT for supporting document. File with type INVOIVE can only be uploaded once. String

The url of this request should contain the following path parameter:

Parameter Required? Description Type
paymentReferenceId Yes A unique number generated to identify each individual payment. String
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