This endpoint allows you to see the payment activity of specified account. This includes created payments, received payments, created payment requests and refunds. If you wish to see payment activity between you and another account, you can refer to Contacts API
Data Requirements
Provide the following data requirements when sending a GET request to the Account Payment Activity endpoint. The url of this request can contain the following query parameters:
Parameter | Required? | Description | Type |
fromDate | No | Date from which activity will be retrieved. Accepted format YYYY-MM-DD. | String |
toDate | No | Date to which activity will be retrieved. Accepted format YYYY-MM-DD. | String |
page | No | Positive number that indicates page to be accessed. Must be provided within a range of total pages. | Number |
NOTE: If fromDate and toDate are not provided, activity to be returned defaults to last 7 days.
Response Body
The response will contain the following information:
Parameter | Description | Type |
paymentReferenceId | A unique number generated to identify each individual payment. | String |
createdAt | The date when the payment was created (ISO format). | String |
paymentEntryType | The type of transaction. Possible values are: CREATED_PAYMENT | RECEIVED_PAYMENT | CREATED_REFUND | RECEIVED_REFUND. | String |
paymentType | The type of payment for this particular trade. Possible values are: LOCAL | INTERNATIONAL. | String |
refundType | The type of refund, if applicable. Possible values are: FULL_REFUND | PARTIAL_REFUND. | String |
status | The current status of the payment. Possible values are: PENDING | SCHEDULED | UNCLAIMED | REQUESTED | PROCESSING | IN_TRANSIT | COMPLETE | CANCELED | DECLINED | FAILED | RETURNED. | String |
amount | The value of the amount of the payment in the payer's currency. | Number |
amountInUSD | The value of the amount of the payment in USD currency. | Number |
fee | The amount of the fee to be paid by the payer. | Number |
feeInUSD | The amount of the fee to be paid by the payer in USD currency. | Number |
totalAmount | The amount that was sent plus any fees related to the payment for the payer. | Number |
currency | The primary currency used by the payer identified by a three letter code. | String |
beneficiaryFee | The amount of the fee to be paid by the beneficiary if applicable. | Number |
beneficiaryTotalAmount | The amount to be sent plus any fees related to the payment for the beneficiary. | Number |
beneficiaryCurrency | The three letter code associated with the currency used by the beneficiary. | String |
accountNumber | Unique identifier of borderless™ verified accounts. | String |
ledgerType | Ledger type determines if payment is incoming or outgoing. Possible values are: Credit | Debit. | String |
batchId | Unique identifier of executed mass payout or mass claim payout. | String |
clientPaymentRef | This field is an optional reference to enrich the payment data for internal tracking or in order to quickly match payments between borderless and third party systems. This reference will be returned in the webhook of payment. | String |
refundReason | The reason for sending a refund, if applicable. Possible values are: CUSTOMER_REQUEST | DUPLICATE | BUSINESS_REQUEST | OTHER. | String |
estimatedArrival | The estimated date this payment will arrive in ISO format E.G. 2022-06-14T00:00:00.000Z. borderless™ provides an estimated arrival time based on the payer's currency and the beneficiary's currency. This is an estimate and not an accurate date. The payment may arrive sooner or later than the estimated arrival date. | String |
paymentDescription | A customized message describing the nature and reason for the payment. | String |
paymentMethod | The method in which the payment was sent. For example, from borderless™ balance or bank account. | String |
originalPayment | An object that links to the original payment if this payment is a refund. | String |
originalPayment.paymentReferenceId | A unique number generated to identify each individual payment that refers to an original payment if this payment is a refund. | String |
originalPayment.payerAcceptedFees | Identifies who paid the fees on original payment if this payment is a refund. | String |
contact | A JSON object containing information about the beneficiary who is receiving the payment. | Object |
contact.account.displayName | Display name of contacts account. | String |
contact.account.accountType | Account type of beneficiary. Possible values are BUSINESS | PERSONAL. | String |
contact.account.slug | Beneficiary's borderless™ @handle if they have a borderless™ account. | String |
contact.account.currency | The three letter currency code for benefiaciary's preferred currency. | String |