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Common Errors

Accounts API Common Errors

We have identified a list of common errors you may encounter when you integrate our Accounts API. Here is a list of a few and how to solve them:

No issuer providedIn the Authorization header, there is no key of issuer in the payload of the JWT.Remember, this issuer ID is unique to your account and can be found in the Developer Dashboard.
Provided dates are not valid. Please specify valid datesTo retrieve payment activity you can specify the range of payment activity you want to retrieve. Dates should be valid and provided in YYYY-MM-DD formatProvide fromDate and toDate in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD
This month is still in progress. Statements become available after the conclusion of the monthWhen retrieving monthly statement you must provide year and a month. Current month statements are not retrievable as the month is still ongoing.Provide year and a month that is not ongoing and is in a past.