API Reference
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Update personal account information for your internal contacts.


This endpoint allows you to update your Internal Contact's information.

Data Requirements

Provide the following data requirements when sending a POST request to the Update Contacts endpoint.

The body of the request should contain the following properties for the values you wish to update:

Parameter Required? Description Type
handle Yes This is the @handle associated with a contact's account.For an internal contact it appears as @{handle}. Make sure you send the request without the "@" character. For example, if the Contact's @handle is "@borderless" simply submit "borderless" in the handle field. String
clientInternalReference No A Client Internal Reference or CIR is way for your company to internally label a contact. This can be used for grouping various contacts in a category, like EngineeringTeam. It should be between 1 and 60 alphanumeric characters and accepts only spaces \# (pound sign) as special characters. String
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